Below are the ministries that we offer in Detroit. Explore the different ways to get involved. We’d love to have you join us!

Navigators Collegiate offers encouragement, support, and discipleship while sharing Jesus with students. We consider it a deep honor and high calling to develop our students into lifelong laborers who will continue to walk with Jesus long after graduation.

Navigators 20’s is designed to engage young adults who live and work in the city, specifically those who are post-college but not yet mid-career. In the midst of the distractions of bustling city life, the 20’s ministry aims to connect young adults and provide a supportive community of Christ followers who share a commitment to the work of the Kingdom.

Navigators Workplace inspires and equips Christians in the workplace to serve with excellence, competence, and faithfulness. We long to see Christians move from merely working for a paycheck to being used by God to make a transformative difference right where they are. We believe He will use this mission to transform workplaces for generations to come.

Nations Within is committed to building a more cohesive mosaic of people within the United States for the purpose of advancing the Gospel, one stunning piece—or person—at a time. We focus on peoples within the United States who have a primary cultural or national identity distinct from the majority culture.

Missional Enterprise empowers and equips business owners and entrepreneurs who are disciples of Christ to launch and scale Triple Bottom Line businesses. By providing the necessary resources and support, we catalyze their growth and development, ensuring their ventures are successful and impactful.

In Isaiah 58, the Lord appeals to His people to do the following: take a stand with the oppressed, help the poor, and feed the hungry. I:58 Navigators in Detroit engage neighborhoods and communities at a grassroots level. We invest in building Christ-centered communities across age, race, and economic divides with a particular eye towards the vulnerable and marginalized. 

Navigators Encore is a ministry designed for veteran Navigators who seek to finish well in God’s calling. As highly experienced members of The Navigators, we desire to be used by God to raise up laborers who will multiply spiritual generations for Christ.

First responders—police, fire, and EMS workers—and military members dedicate their lives to serving others. Our ministry is committed to serving them. With a team of experienced staff, many of whom have military or first responder backgrounds, we support these service members as they navigate the daily stresses and challenges they face.

 Navigators Church Ministries pursues the calling to restore and raise up the local church family as they strive to become effective evangelists and disciplers. We have a heart for the church and a strong desire to see lifelong laborers thrive in their communities.

Navigator Neighbors aims to equip, encourage, and empower everyday people to reach their neighbors. We minister to those who live nearby, our family, our friends, and anyone else God places in our lives throughout the daily.

The Detroit Prayer Team is the hub of city leaders whose primary focus is to support the larger pool of Navigators staff in Detroit. This “ministry” nests inside the larger team of disciplemakers and laborers and works to further the vision and mission to advance the gospel and Kingdom of Christ.


Have questions or want to get involved? Contact us and we can help!